Arszilla Penetration Tester OSCP | Mathematician turned hacker

Leak Review: Reviewing Collection #1-5 and AntiPublic MYR & Zabagur #1-2

A short blog post about parsing Collection #1-5 and AntiPublic MYR & Zabagur #1-2 leaks and examining the passwords and the email addresses present in the leaks

Hiding Your C2 Traffic With Discord & Slack

A short blog post revisiting my IsolationCon 2 talk about using Discord & Slack as a way to hide your C2 framework traffic

The End of My OSCP/PWK Journey

My thoughts and review of OSCP/PWK as well as recommendations for taking the certification

A Hard Point In My OSCP/PWK Journey

My thoughts on failing my first OSCP/PWK exam and regarding the certification earning process

Creating Kali i3-gaps

A walkthrough on how I created my custom Kali ISO